Happy Birthday, Wati!
Yesterday, 28/09/2004, my friend
Wati had her 26th birthday. But because she got something to do so today is her party. We were going to the Kentucky Friend Chicken a.k.a KFC at Ahmad Yani street. Ten gals went to KFC and make rush! Hehehehe... :D~
Yum yum... fried chicken for lunch! Yaay~! Ten gals! Hehehe... *
From left to right: Ammy, Echie, Vine, Ija, Cunul, Bati, Incha, Wati, Emmy, me.
Left: Giving the present!
Right: Emmy... as usual, with her favorite when eat fried chicken, the bones!!!
Left: Look! The plate is almost empty!!
Right: Bati, enjoy drinking coca cola from that KFC bucket :p~
I remembered a song titled
Tambah Usia from
KLa Project, a few years ago.
Bertambah satu usiamu
ohh... semoga penuh warna
Semakin indah hatimu
Berikan cinta tuk semua
Kau telah tercipta
Sebagai insan istimewa
Tumbuh dalam jiwa
Terus bahagia dan raih cita
Syukur tuk yang kuasa
Atas beragam anugrah
Kusertakan doa
Panjang umur kasih berlimpah
Ikuti hidup yang mengalir
Dan reguklah hingga akhir
Kar'na dunia terus berubah
Jangan kau terlena dan goyah
Kau bertambah
Happy Birtday,