Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Happy Birthday, Wati!
Yesterday, 28/09/2004, my friend Wati had her 26th birthday. But because she got something to do so today is her party. We were going to the Kentucky Friend Chicken a.k.a KFC at Ahmad Yani street. Ten gals went to KFC and make rush! Hehehehe... :D~
Yum yum... fried chicken for lunch! Yaay~! Ten gals! Hehehe... *kacau*
From left to right: Ammy, Echie, Vine, Ija, Cunul, Bati, Incha, Wati, Emmy, me.
Left: Giving the present!
Right: Emmy... as usual, with her favorite when eat fried chicken, the bones!!!
Left: Look! The plate is almost empty!!
Right: Bati, enjoy drinking coca cola from that KFC bucket :p~
I remembered a song titled Tambah Usia from KLa Project, a few years ago.
Bertambah satu usiamu
ohh... semoga penuh warna
Semakin indah hatimu
Berikan cinta tuk semua
Kau telah tercipta
Sebagai insan istimewa
Tumbuh dalam jiwa
Terus bahagia dan raih cita
Syukur tuk yang kuasa
Atas beragam anugrah
Kusertakan doa
Panjang umur kasih berlimpah
Ikuti hidup yang mengalir
Dan reguklah hingga akhir
Kar'na dunia terus berubah
Jangan kau terlena dan goyah
Kau bertambah
Happy Birtday, Wati!
Monday, September 27, 2004
Rum Raisin Chocolate Ice Cream
Chocolate ice cream sure will be so yummy and delicious, especially if added some raisins and one teaspoon of rhum :p~ For the chocolate ice cream, you will need 7 cups heavy cream, 12 ounces semisweet chocolate, 2 ounces (2 squares.) unsweetened chocolate,1 cup granulated sugar, 1/2 cup water, pinch of salt, 6 yolks (from eggs graded large, extra-large, or jumbo), 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. To make Rum-Raisin Chocolate Ice Cream, place about 1 cup of raisins in a jar with a tight cover, add about 1/2 cup dark rum, cover and let stand for a few days, turning the jar occasionally to keep all the raisins wet, or marinate in a closed plastic bag. Stir raisins and any unabsorbed rum into the ice cream after churning. Or do the same thing with chopped dates, using rum or brandy. Hmmm yummy!
But it will be different if we talked about a song. Yes a song that was always on air on Prambors 105,1 FM Makassar or any youth radio in town. At first I didn't know that the artist who sang this song is Ten2Five.
Ten2Five is an Indonesian music band. Local band, but got nice songs and music. Most of all their songs are in English, makes people who didn't notice will think that Ten2Five is a band from outside of Indonesia. Hehehe, including me from the beginning :p~ According to their site, the name of the band inspired from the hour they spent together for playing music. From ten to five (10 am - 5 pm), every Saturday, at Perth, Austrlia. And the kind of music is soft, easy-listening, which is really perfect to hear in the rush hour on the road if you stuck in the traffic. Mixed jazz, pop, ballad and R&B. Curious? Better quickly to the music store and buy one. Highly recommended! :)
Here's the lyric of Rum Raisin Chocolate Ice Cream. The song talks about first date. So easy-listening and describe how is the feeling on the first date :)
Rum raisin chocolate ice cream
Sekotak penuh kau berikan padaku
Di siang itu
Berdua nikmati es krim kesukaanku
Dunia serasa milik berdua
Saat pertama kali mencoba jalin cinta
Lupakan segalanya
Nikmati setiap detik yang berjalan
Rum raisin chocolate ice cream 4x
Sekotak memori, cinta pertama,
begitu nikmat, terasa sampai di hati
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Maknyak Gone From Makassar
Today Maknyak gone from Makassar, flew to Surabaya by Mandala Airlines on 17.30. Story details you may read on Adhi's blog. All the pictures were from Adhi's camera, so I have nothing hehehe...
The last day of meet and greet with Maknyak was not so hillarious as those 2 days. I joined Adhi and Maknyak on 1 pm, when Adhi and Maknyak had been from eating Jalankote and Lumpia Lasinrang. They were at the internet cafe when I joined them. We get online until 2 pm, after talking and chatting at YM Conference Room with mbak Rieke, tutup_panci and kidy :p After that, we went to the place where Maknyak stayed, and spent some hours until the time she had to go to the airport.
To the airport, Maknyak went with Mr. Dean's car, Adhi and me by my car. At the airport, Adhi badly need to go to the toilet. And while he went to the toilet, we must go in (without any payment because we were with Mr. Dean), and left Adhi alone hahahaha..
While inside, we keep messaging Adhi to come in, by some cheat way. First we told him to wait, but when there seems no chance for us to go out again, we told him to fool the security. But he was too nice-guy to do that. He waited (as you can see on the picture above), then he went to buy the passticket hehehe..
Anyway, goodbye Maknyak, see you at your next coming to Indonesia. I hope we can meet again, I was really nice to meet someone like you :)
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Met the President of! -Second Day-
Today is a longer trip with Maknyak. Why? Because start from 9 am tomorrow, our beloved Maknyak will be moved to IAIN's Guest House, so start at that time she has to be "polite" and jaim :p~ Today me and Adhi met at the Hotel Panakukkang, where Maknyak stays, then me-Adhi-Maknyak went to pick up Leo at his office, Makassar
Then the journey begins...
Inside of Fort Rotterdam, Leo, Adhi, Maknyak, me. Behind us is a art stage which is usully used by some theaters.
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Inside the museum, Maknyak-me-Leo-Adhi.
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We remember Accang, and we took a picture in front of the thing that looked like rig where Accang works there. :p~
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A very old bicycle.
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Adhi, Leo, Maknyak, me.
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Me, Leo. Adhi, Maknyak.
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Nice great sunset from the Fort's view!
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Me and Maknyak catching the sunset!
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The sunset is going down and down..
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Sunset and us!
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"Let me out of here!!" yelled Maknyak.
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Thirsty because walked around the Fort Rotterdam, Maknyak demands for an Coconut with Ice.
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After the coconut, the dinner continue in Konro Karebosi's place. Yummy....
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After Konro, going to try a glass full of Saraba', a traditional drink made from ginger, sugar palm and milk.
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Back to the hotel...
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Maknyak's style when we back to the hotel :D Preman!
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Me and Maknyak. Dhuarrr!!!!
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Met the President of! -First Day-
This morning when I woke up, I got a sms that Maknyak, the president of a blogger community called BloggerFamily. It said that Maknyak will come today on 10 am. But I couldn't pick her up because I'll be in clinic on that time, so I sent a sms to Adhi, to give him some information of Maknyak's arrival. I also told him to tell Leo and other Makassar Bloggerians about this. At this time, I only can recommend a place for Maknyak to stay.
I joined Adhi and Maknyak on 5 pm. It seemed that Maknyak and Adhi had spent the time together to find some tradional meals. Well, we will see Adhi's report about this on his blog. Hehehehe.. :p~
And here's the pictures. I put pictures because pictures will define 1000 words :)
This is the what I got from Maknyak. Hehehe special thing from Montreal, thank you Maknyak!!
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The meals we ate at Losari Metro Makassar while watching the sunset hehehe :p~ Yummy, Pisang Epe and Roasted Corn with Cheese.
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Me and Maknyak.
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Me and Adhi.
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Just the three of us. Because Leo couldn't join us.
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The night lights of other side of Losari at Makassar.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Craziest Photos Ever!
Hahahaha.. yeah, it was so crazy, it was so crazy, I know it :D Just enjoy the photos and feel free to give some scratches (comments) down there :p~
"Please show me your money.. give me some.. I haven't ate anything since three days ago..."
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Let's have a GUESS!!! Coba tebak, ini cowok apa cewek? Guess, who in the picture, a boy or a girl?? Feel free to answer the question, hehehe...
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Last Meet With PSMKGI Activists
PSMKGI? What is that? Some of you might questioned about it. PSMKGI is Persatuan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia, or in english is Indonesian Dental Student Senate Association. Why this is the last meet with them? Because they will not come here again. Why? Because Hasanuddin University had resigned from PSMKGI. Why? Well, that's a very long story to tell.
First thing on my mind if I remember this.. is very sad feeling. To unite 12 universities of dental faculties are not easy. Different thoughts, attitude, emotions and feelings are gather to be one. A national meeting of PSMKGI (Munas PSMKGI) were held here at Makassar, and Hasanuddin University as the local committee. But the meeting gone too "hot" and too emotional. And just because Hasanuddin University's candidate to be a PSMKGI's SekJen not acceptable, they quit without more good reasons. That's a fool I think, and that's a craziest thought I ever heard! And because of the quit, all the people who involved in the organization are gone, don't want have contact anymore with others. And what had happened is they didn't want to continue their friendship as personal too.. Crazy!
The dental students who came from 11 universities in Indonesia were almost abandoned. Some of them are my friends. As I've told you from the previous post, I brought them to the sightseeings after the national meeting and before they gone to their cities.
And this was the last day.. Sorry the pictures are so blurred, because Wahyu took it so amateurly :p~
This is Wahyu, ex-PSMKGI's Sek-Jen. From Dentistry USAKTI. Actually he got mustaches, but before the picture taken, he already get rid of it.. hehehe so imagine if he still got the mustaches :p~
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Ichi, me, Niam (from UGM, the new PSMKGI SekJen), Andi (from USAKTI), and Hamid (UGM). Before the last dinner.
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Dinner we ate at Ichi's home.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Sunset at Makassar
This afternoon I brought my friends from Dentistry Faculty of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), and Dentistry Faculty of Trisakti University to Losari Metro, let them enyoy the view of sunset which they never had ever in their life. Hehehe.. They are Niam (UGM), Wahyu (Trisakti) and Andi (Trisakti). I also accompanied by Bati and Emmy. While enjoying the Pisang Epe', a traditional snack from Makassar.
If you come to Makassar, you should see this view, you won't regret it. Only at Losari Metro, Makassar.
This is Pisang Epe', a traditional snack from Makassar. You must try this if you come to Makassar. If not, it is just the same that you weren't there. Only at Losari Metro, Makassar.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
The Gift of Written Word...
How important is it to write out our thoughts and feelings? I�m so glad God decided to put His thoughts and feelings into the written word! I love to know that He thinks about us constantly and carries us in the palm of His hand. I�m thrilled to learn about His character and read about the experiences others have had in His presence. Words have power�and we have the privilege of preserving them in our journals every day.
When we take time to record memories, journal our prayers, and write down our thoughts, we truly give ourselves a gift to be opened over and over again. We can recall times of laughter, be encouraged by God�s faithfulness in difficult situations, and feel a sense of comfort by expressing and managing the emotions He�s given to us. It feels good to revisit the joys and even the struggles in our lives, because God is working in us and building our trust through every circumstance. We never outgrow His gentle and wise instruction. We never graduate from the learning process.
As another school year begins, we might all use it as a little nudge to begin an �essay� on the days God gives us on earth. No due dates, no grading scales, simply an opportunity to appreciate the gift of the written word�and a chance to allow God to encourage our hearts and remind us of His unconditional love and continued faithfulness. Our journals can become one of our favorite reads�and perhaps one of our greatest teachers.
So.., happy blog-ing, hppy journal-ing! :)
Monday, September 13, 2004
Just Here...
It is a really long weekend, and me is just here. Saturday-Sunday-Monday is holiday. Everybody are planning to go somewhere out from the cuty or anywhere else. But here I am at home, just here. Even Kidy got a plan to go with Telkomsel Family Gathering at Lembang. Well great for him becuse he got another DVD player which makes his DVD player becomes 2.
So, what did I do? I helped two of my friends, Emmy and Helvine, finishing their assignments. And it all ended on 00.30 am on the next day (14/09/2004). Phew!
It's just me there with red and blue t-shirt, with emmy by my side and helvine over there, behind me.
It's just me there with red and blue t-shirt, with emmy by my side and helvine over there, behind me.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Some Stories...
First, I want to congratulate my friends: drg. Rahmawati a.k.a Wati, drg. Ira Desti Saptari a.k.a Echie, and drg. Rasymi Rasyid a.k.a Ammy for their graduation to be a dentist. Whoa.., still long journey for me to reach the goal because I just graduate for my BDS (Bachelor of Dental Science) last year, which makes me stay still in clinic for the next 1 year then graduate hehehe. Just be patient. There always the time for everything :)
Second, this is what happened on last Tuesday (07/09/2004), I didn't post yet because I want to include this story with the pictures. Takes time to reduce the pixel and size of the pictures. On that day we're going to have dinner with the three new dentist mentioned up there. But while waiting for them finished practice for the graduation, me and my friends went to my home and take a rest there. Well, really take a rest because many things happened. Hahaha :D Here's the pictures and feel free give your comments. Crazy isn't it? :p~
(left) This is not as you thought hehehe. Erase your dirty mind :p~ They just sleep and pretend something to make you react of what are they did. (right) The picture really shows that we're really tired and let's take a nap.
(left) Bati (pink shirt) wants to try wearing contact lenses but couldn't put them on. Since it was her first time and she afraid to do herself so Husnul (left) and Emmy (right, the one that shows her leg only) helped her to put the contact lenses into her eyes. (right) This scene looked a like a cataract operation hahaha.. it was the effort to put those contact lenses right into Bati's eyes. Hahahaha :D~
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Indonesia in Deeply Grieving, Bomb Blasted at Australian Embassy!
A massive car bombing near the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, today around 10.30 am, rattled Indonesia's financial markets, driving the stock market lower and prompting the government to warn it may delay the sale of state-owned assets.
No diplomats who were working inside the building were hurt but the embassy's Indonesian staff manning the security post outside were injured and one security guard died. The staff were immediately evacuated. Security is already very tight at foreign embassies in the capital.
The Australian Embassy's solid fence withstood the impact of the blast but not the gate fence. Scores of buildings had their glass facades smashed and several foreign companies such as accounting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers quickly moved their employees away from the vicinity. Vehicles were wrecked.
Over at the hospital, a scene of sheer misery as medical staff struggle to cope with the injured. More than 100 people are hurt and some critically. Indonesians are in shock by the sheer impact of the blast.
By the time I write down this posting, I heard that 8 (eight) killed and 168 in severe wounded. Those who are killed, only 4 are identified. The rest is still unknown.
Certainly we don't think about death for long periods of time. On the other hand, we do think about our death fairly frequently, even if it is just for an instant before we put it away for our other thoughts.There are many things I don't understand and several things that I truly doubt will happen the way some people think. However, I'm fully aware of this beat-up body that I carry around � based on my Lord's promise � will be replaced with a wonderful new one.
Gosh! OMGPDA, what happened to this hectic world? People are so insane, too discriminative to think. Do they think that if they blast the bomb, the international relationship between Indonesia and other countries will be crush too? Do they think that if they blast the bomb, other Indonesian people may be or most of them are the victims?
Today, is the most worst day in Indonesia, after bomb blast in Bali and JW Marriot. I wondered, why every year we have to watch bomb blasts?
Today I'm grieving here, with all Indonesian who cares about this severe accident which should not happen again! :(
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