Sunday, July 11, 2004
Yesterday night on AFI 3's Pre-elimination's Concert, Cindy AFI, Micky AFI and Lia AFI sang a really good and encougraging song. The song titled "Optimis", was performed by AB Three. Here's the lyric:
Tak perlu malu dan kecil hati apalagi frustasi
Terlampau keji bila terlintas hendak ingin bunuh diri
Anggap derita sebagai cobaan
Untuk pengalaman yang mesti dapat
Kita hadapi dengan hati yang lapang
Kegagalan itu hal biasa dalam hidup ini
Setiap orang pasti punya satu masalah
dan masa lalu
Teman! Hidup ini hanya satu kali
Teman! Untuk apa kita menyiksa diri
Hadapilah semua kenyataan yang ada
Setarailah cita cita hidup bahagiaaaaaaaaa ...
As I watch the program, I remembered one of my friend, Wati. She was so stressed-out about clinic. She was really obsessed to be a dentist in September by entering the conservation section in the clinic for one visit only, but in fact, she couldn't. She couldn't finished her jacket crown case, because the patient didn't too cooperative. then she get into a deep inhale frustation. And I think, she must hear this song. This is a really nice song, so encouraging!
Sadly, because of her obsession, all things becomes worst. She forgot her ethic in front of her patient. She took her best friend's patient, just for make her obsession comes true.
"How would you define success?" Must you be rich? Own your company? Become famous? Does it include world travel? Extensive education? Becoming the best in your field? Does success include happiness, good health and a sexy body? A strong marriage and family? God?
How do we quantify success? Is it a world record time? Is it a personal best in an event? Did we achieve all we could achieve? Did we challenge the limits of our own capabilities? Competition is not bad if the goal is for us to be our best. Glory is in the effort, dedication, and striving. That is where character is refined and success is achieved. But ultimately success is not measured against others so much as it is against ourselves and our God-given potential.
Yet success has to be something more than achieving our maximum potential. John Maxwell has defined success as "KNOWING my purpose in life, GROWING to my maximum potential, and SOWING seeds that benefit others." Being our best is more than personal achievement. Success is knowing God has a plan and has called me to fit into His plan. Success is the character forged on the journey to grow into God's person, the person He made me to be. Success is blessing others in ways He would bless them to give something back and not just take from others.
Are you looking for that elusive obsession called success? First, discover what success truly means and then be willing to work for it with every talent you possess. Apostle Paul near the end of the same letter wrote "...be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."