Sunday, July 25, 2004
A Piece of Moment with Katon Bagaskara!
Katon Bagaskara was here! He was in Makassar, singing for a one of a highschool's reunion. How exciting! :p Well let's move along to the story.. Clearly, these 2 days of weekend, I really enjoy it.
On Friday, my friend Yuris came with Katon's manager, Opik. Yuris is Katon's personal assistant. The human one, not digital hehehe :p They came for having practice with the local band her due to the concert on Saturday. Katon himself still in Singapore. On that nite, me and my cousin Jimmy, are visiting Yuris and Opik at Sahid Makassar Hotel. They stayed there for 2 days during the concert. Then, let me list some things that makes me happy at that nite..
1. I got NuKLa's CD music free from him :)
2. In the NuKLa's cover CD, written NuKLa thanks to... ...,Rara,... whoaa... my name is written there! There! *pointing to the cover!*
3. I got an ID Card! On the card are my picture, my name written there, and a statement "NuKLa Management Official Staff"!
I don't believe this is happening, but it does.. It did really happened on that Friday nite! With the ID Card, I may enter any NuKLa's concerts freely. But of course I had to report things happened there to the NuKLa's mailing list and website. It is official!
Okay.. then, the next day, on Saturday, as usual I went to the clinic, doing some stuff and fix my patient's complicated denture. On 2 pm I went to the Maraja Ballroom, Sahid Makassar Hotel, where Katon will do checksound. I met him there.. as usual, Katon is a really charming guy forever! Then, I watched him practice with the local band, some kind like "gladi resik". After that, me, my friend Bati and my cousin Jimmy followed my friend Yuris to his room. Shortly, we're out for having some Konro :p Anyway, let me list again things that makes me so happy yesterday:
1. I met Katon!
2. I watched Katon practicing woth the local band, which is make me spend more time to listen to his songs.
3. Before the concert I can talk to Katon to support him. At that time the only thing I can do is just stand beside the stage, because the reunion isn't my highschool, and I dont have right to take a place :p
4. I can watch Katon singing his adorable songs. Although listening and watching just at the stage-side, in the dark.
5. I can talk to Katon after concert, although just a few minutes, but it was really worth!!
Hehehe that's all I guess. Katon sang "Dengan Logika", "Negeri di Awan", two songs from KLa Project: "Yogyakarta" and "Tak Bisa Ke Lain Hati", "Meniti Hutan Cemara", "Lara Hati", "Cinta Putih", and "Dinda" for his last song before leaving the stage.
Thanks to Yuris Dewandaru, M. Taufik Satriadi (Opik), SMU 3's reunion's Event Organizer.. for make this thing SO real!