Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Congratulation to Randy, Leo and Tenri Ukke!
Akademi Fantasi Indosiar (AFI) 2 is finished. Then come the new one! AFI 3. Hmmph.., isn't too soon to start the new one? Well nobody knows what the producer's thinking, except themselves. This time, 3 new cities are join too such as Palembang, Denpasar, and my city.. Makassar! Yes the audition was taken here too, on the mid of June. It was about more than 2000 young fellas registered and took the audition, after that become the big 20, and then the big 3. The big 3 will go to Jakarta to join the pre-elimination concert. They are Edwin Leo (left), Tenri Ukke (center), and Randy Rehatta (right), as seen on the picture above.
This time the pre-elimination is different. They are still 12 academias. So they got to pass the really tight competition, since it was 27 competitor. The big 3 will go to Jakarta each week, one by one. This Saturday is the first pre-elimination concert. They are not eliminated by the short message service (sms) or premium call this time. They got three juries who will decide which one is the best. Each week, 9 are in competition, and only 4 of them may enter the Akademi Fantasi Indosiar and be the academia. Tough isn't it! It's getting more difficult now. There's a possibility just one from the big 3 or none of them.
Talking bout the big 3 from Makassar, one of them, the one named Randy, is my lecturer's son! Hehehe... *promotion mode*
Ok, let's stay tune at the TV at the end of this week and watch who will get eliminated.