Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Bomb Again!!!!! Totally Grieved
This news I copied from Kompas. The news which makes me shakes in cries. Again.., in my country, another persecution. Again in my country, when people said that this time is the better president. Again in my country, another one!!!
"...Teror tak habis-habisnya menghantui Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Minggu (12/12) malam dua gereja menjadi sasaran peledakan bom dan penembakan. Gereja Kristen Sulawesi Tengah Immanuel di Jalan Masjid Raya dibom, sedangkan Gereja Anugerah Masomba di Jalan Tanjung Manimbaya diberondong tembakan. Kedua peristiwa itu terjadi bersamaan sekitar pukul 19.05.
Akibat dua kejadian itu, tiga orang mengalami luka-luka. Korban adalah Binti Jaya (61), anggota satpam Gereja Kristen Sulawesi Tengah (GKST) Immanuel yang terkena serpihan bom, sampai semalam masih dirawat di Ruang ICU Rumah Sakit (RS) Bala Keselamatan.
Dua korban lainnya adalah Rada Krisna (38) dan Nofri (18) yang terkena tembakan di Gereja Anugerah Masomba. Keduanya dirawat di RS Undata.
Selain itu, ada beberapa anggota jemaat yang dirawat akibat shock, antara lain Arni dan Vina, anggota jemaat GKST Immanuel; dan Estevin, anggota jemaat Gereja Anugerah Masomba. Hingga saat ini belum diketahui siapa pelaku kedua peristiwa tersebut.
Berdasarkan informasi yang dihimpun Kompas sampai Minggu malam, dua peristiwa itu sangat mengguncang Palu. Apalagi di saat itu kedua gereja tengah dipadati jemaat yang sedang melakukan kebaktian.
Di GKST Immanuel saat itu diperkirakan ada 500 anggota jemaat, sedangkan di Gereja Anugerah Masomba, meski lebih kecil, juga dipadati jemaat.
Saat kebaktian di GKST Immanuel yang dipimpin Pendeta Erna Lagerence tengah berlangsung, sekitar pukul 19.05, tiba-tiba terdengar ledakan yang keras. Suara ledakan bahkan terdengar sampai radius satu kilometer.
Akibat ledakan tersebut, bagian depan gereja yang tengah diperbaiki rusak. Pintu utama gereja jebol, plafon ambrol, dan kaca-kaca pecah.
Jemaat yang tengah beribadah langsung panik begitu mendengar dentuman keras. Mereka berhamburan keluar gereja dan tidak menghiraukan lagi barang-barang bawaan mereka. Sandal-sandal tercecer di dalam gereja.
Dari sejumlah informasi, bom yang meledak itu tepat di dekat pintu utama. Diduga bom dimasukkan ke dalam bungkusan plastik. Namun, masih belum jelas apakah bungkusan itu diletakkan di dekat pintu atau dilempar dari luar.
Hanya berselang dalam hitungan detik, ratusan anggota jemaat di Gereja Anugerah Masomba di Jalan Tanjung Manimbaya, Kelurahan Tatura, Kecamatan Palu Selatan, dikejutkan oleh bunyi rentetan tembakan. Dua orang yang berada di barisan paling belakang terkapar terkena tembakan.
Rada Krisna terkena serempetan peluru di lengan kiri atas, sementara Nofri terserempet di kepala bagian belakang. Keduanya dilarikan ke RS Undata. Menurut Rada, sedikitnya terdengar lima kali rentetan tembakan. Di lokasi ditemukan sembilan selongsong peluru kaliber 5,56 mm..."
I am really really grieving...! I couldn't understand what is in those terrorist's mind. They are not human. And I spontaneously cried and speechless when I read the headline on my morning newspaper, Kompas, on December 13th, 2004. Again.. I read another persecution. And, just because the victim is churches, which is a very minority in Indonesia, seems that the publication is reduced. Grrr.. everybody seems wants to close their ears about this. It's not fair! This is not fair!
I don't understand, why must some people killing each other? Why some people so stupid thinking that killing another people is a good thing to do?? Why there are teachings says that killing is the way to act in life? I don't understand, why some people really loves to kill? Why can't we live in peace in one peace world with different types?? This is just so unfair :(
Killing others.. that's just alike no human at all. Killing others are an essential terminlogy just for beasts and animals who didn't have mind to think clearly.
We live in a God-rejecting, unbelieving, and hate-filled world. Believers have long been ridiculed and persecuted. The world would be quite satisfied to get rid of all reminders of God, and for many, that includes getting rid of the people who believe in God and seek to do his will. The very fact that someone obeys God is a condemnation of everything and everyone that is not godly. It is a gross fallacy to think that being a Christian is somehow being a wimp. It takes real courage and inner strength to reject the pleasures and temptations of the world for the things of God. It takes courage to stand up to ridicule, persecution, and worse.
Prayers help us explore the uncomfortable. God provides therapy through the Bible. As we pray, it will take us into emotional geography that we might otherwise avoid, and lead us to process painful feelings we might otherwise just stuff down inside. By praying we vent and lay our stuff honestly at His feet.
All I can do now just pray. Pray for our enemies, pray for the terrorists. I can't hate because hate is just a part of those terrorists which leading to all negative acts and reacts.
Pray and wishing a peaceful earth.. When is it?
Only heaven knows... GBU!