Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter Image hosted by God bless all :) ps. yang mau telur harap datang ke rumah hahaha gw rebusin telur deh :D

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Happy Birthday Bati, Congratulation to Incha-Ija-Cunul Hari ini 3 orang teman gw disahkan menjadi dentist. Mereka adalah Incha, Ija dan Cunul. Hari ini juga, si Bati ulang tahun. Dan ngumpullah semua di tempat penyumpahan yaitu di Aula Lama FKG UNHAS. Ceritanya lewat foto ajah yah hehehe.
Image hosted by Horeee.. dapet hadiah :D Image hosted by Buka pelan-pelan... :p Image hosted by Lho? Dapet handsfree NOKIA? Ga salah nih? Handphoneku kan Sony Ericsson :D Image hosted by Serba pink! Hehehe.. (yang dalam lingkaran merah itu adalah hadiahnya) Image hosted by Iseng foto-foto di depan latar foto wisuda. Mau sekali mi diwisuda kodong!! Image hosted by Hehehe baru aja diwisuda langsung dimintain sumbangan. Kasian deh loe... :p Image hosted by Foto foto... Bati, Emmy, Rara.. eh ada K Edwin nyempil di belakang.. Image hosted by Yang tersisa setelah Ija dan Cunul pulang. Image hosted by Foto-foto minus si wisudawan. Image hosted by Serius kamma ki belajar. Eh ternyata cuma baca BUKU CURHAT hehehe. Image hosted by Image hosted by Beli koran ahh... Eh kok tukang korannya ngupil.. Iihh... >_< (eh ini kampus apa pinggir jalan sih? kok dari pengemis tadi sampai penjual koran pun ada hehehe)
Hehehe segitu aja :D Pertanyaannya... kapan gw nyusul jadi dentist? Hmmm... ga tau hehehehe. Semua indah pada waktunya *ngeles mode on*

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday a.k.a Jumat Agung Dear all, Have a blessed Good Friday March 25, 2005 Image hosted by regards, Rara

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Singapore, Singapore: Sugar Cane Juice?? Image hosted by Photobucket.comThis photo on the left is a special drink from SIngapore. You wouldn't find it anywhere but Singapore. Name Sugar Cane Juice or Jus Air Tebu. Tebu usually forgotten in my country, but I envy Singaporean, they can discover something normal became an interesting thing and became a specialty in their country. The taste.. Well, just commonly. Sweet, of course hehehehe. Anyway, Why I'm reporting this? Where am I? Hehehe I'm in Singapore now fellaz!! Well I was here from last Saturday (19/03) till today. Tomorrow? Hehehe don't know :p Hehehehe... So? Really coool!!!! I'll be back later with some informations!! :) I'll tell you all how is my feeling to get into the BORDERS, a really big bookstore in the Orchard Road. I felt like in HEAVEN!!! There're so much books!!... Hmmm but that's another story hahahaha :P Cya all, don't forget to comment huh!!

Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm Back Image hosted by Dear all.. I'm back from the world of busy!! Welcome back to me hehehe.. Back to blogging again.. How r u, blogger-pal??

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

PETISI Untuk Menolak FISKAL Ke Luar Negeri Ini gw kutip dari Seharusnya biaya fiskal ke luar negeri dihapus secara bertahap mulai tahun ini. Namun, beberapa hari lalu, pemerintah SBY berencana membatalkan penghapusan biya fiskal ini. Kini, ribuan orang beramai-ramai meneken petisi mengecam upaya pembatalan penghapusan fiskal itu. Mereka meminta pemerintah segera menghapuskan biaya fiskal itu. Sampai Rabu (9/3/2/005) pukul 10.48 WIB, sudah ada 2.396 orang yang menandatangani petisi penghapusan fiskal ini. Alamat website ini saat ini juga telah melanglangbuana ke milis-milis internet. Di dalam situs itu juga tercatat rincian mengenai siapa saja yang ikut menandatangani petisi itu. Semua orang juga dibebaskan untuk mengisi petisi ini. Cara pengisiannya pun mudah, tinggal klik Menuntut Fiskal Dihapuskan. Rencananya, petisi ini nantinya akan disampaikan kepada DPR. Ayo yang belum tandatangan, segera ke: I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider signing yourself.